The highly anticipated film Game Changer, directed by star filmmaker Shankar and featuring Ram Charan, Kiara Advani, and Anjali in lead roles, was released on January 10 as a Sankranti special. Produced by Dil Raju as his 50th film, expectations were sky-high. However, the movie failed to meet those expectations, receiving mixed reviews right from its first show. As a result, its box office performance has been underwhelming.
Despite an average first-week collection, Game Changer struggled to sustain momentum during its second weekend. The film’s total share after 10 days stands at ₹101.22 crores, whereas it needs to collect ₹255 crores to break even. This means the film still has to earn another ₹153.78 crores, which seems like a daunting task given its current trajectory.
Breaking down the collections region-wise, the film earned ₹64.51 crores from Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, ₹4.84 crores from Karnataka, ₹3.49 crores from Tamil Nadu, ₹0.26 crores from Kerala, ₹14 crores from overseas markets, and ₹14.12 crores from North India. The worldwide total share of ₹101.22 crores falls significantly short of the film’s breakeven target.
The disappointing numbers suggest that Game Changer may struggle to recover its costs unless there is an unexpected turnaround. With competition from other Sankranti releases and mixed audience reception, the film’s prospects look uncertain. Whether the movie manages to gain traction in the coming weeks remains to be seen, but for now, it appears to be facing a tough battle at the box office.