Bandhan Bank’s stock took a significant hit on January 13, 2025, falling by 3.99% to a new all-time low of Rs. 138.65. This marked the fourth consecutive day of losses, with the stock declining by a total of 10.48% over this period. The bank’s poor performance highlights ongoing challenges as it continues to underperform in the private banking sector.

Steady Decline Over Four Days
During the trading session, Bandhan Bank’s stock fell by 3.68% at its lowest point, reaching its 52-week and all-time low. Notably, the stock underperformed its sector by 2.39%, reflecting broader investor concerns. Over the past month, Bandhan Bank’s stock has dropped by 18.71%, a stark contrast to the Sensex, which recorded a comparatively moderate decline of 7.01%.

Bearish Signals Across Averages
The technical indicators for Bandhan Bank suggest a bearish trend. The stock is trading below all its key moving averages, including the 5-day, 20-day, 50-day, 100-day, and 200-day averages. This consistent underperformance signals a lack of recovery momentum, making it a concern for investors looking for stability in the banking sector.

Wider Market Context
Bandhan Bank’s recent one-day decline of 4.17% also outpaced the broader Sensex’s fall of 1.29%, demonstrating its vulnerability amid market volatility. While other banking sector stocks have shown resilience, Bandhan Bank continues to struggle, raising questions about its strategic direction and investor confidence.