Icon star Allu Arjun in the lead and Rashmika Mandanna in the lead role, director Sukumar’s huge Pan India film “Pushpa 2” is now rocking the box office wherever it has been released worldwide with record collections. Pushpa 2 also achieved huge openings in Telugu states, but now it has been confirmed that it has achieved huge openings in Nizam market on the first day and has broken the all time record.
And according to the latest PR calculations, Pushpa 2 has collected more than 25 crores share in one single day and that too in one day. With this all the previous records have been broken and now the all time record has been registered in the name of Pushpa 2 with a solid margin. And the bookings of this film are super strong in Nizam from the second day to the weekend as well. And we have to see where the calculations stop in these few days.
The post “Pushpa 2” All Time Record Openings in Naijam on First Day.. first appeared on Latest Telugu Movie News, Reviews, OTT, OTT Reviews, Ratings.