The Telugu film industry is in deep sorrow following the sudden demise of renowned actor Vijaya Rangaraju, also known as Raj Kumar. The veteran actor succumbed to a heart attack on [Date], leaving a void in the industry.  

Rangaraju, who was known for his powerful villainous roles, had recently suffered injuries during a film shoot in Hyderabad. Subsequently, he was shifted to a Chennai hospital for advanced medical care. Unfortunately, he suffered a massive heart attack on Monday, leading to his untimely demise.  

The news of his passing has sent shockwaves through the Telugu film fraternity. Rangaraju had made a significant contribution to the industry with his memorable performances in numerous films. He gained widespread recognition with his role in the Nandamuri Balakrishna starrer “Bhairava Dweepam”. His other notable works include “Yajnam”, “Seema Sasthi”, “Jambireddy”, “Dhamarukam”, and “Visakha Express”.  

The actor’s demise is a great loss to the Telugu film industry, and his fans and colleagues mourn the loss of a talented and versatile actor. His contributions to Telugu cinema will be remembered for years to come.