Nandamuri Balakrishna, the heir of legendary actor NTR, has carved his own niche in Telugu cinema and politics. Balancing these two domains, Balakrishna continues to captivate audiences with his dynamic performances. His latest release, Dakumaharaju, directed by Bobby, hit the screens on January 12th, coinciding with Sankranti. The film opened to positive reviews and has already crossed the ₹120 crore mark worldwide, solidifying Balayya’s box office dominance.
During the promotions of Dakumaharaju, Balakrishna shared a surprising personal belief in an interview hosted by anchor Suma. Joined by director Bobby, Pragya Jaiswal, and Shraddha Srinath, Balakrishna revealed that wearing black clothes on Sundays has been unlucky for him. He attributed this belief to an incident during the filming of Aditya 369. Balayya recalled how, while wearing a black outfit on a Sunday shoot, he suffered a severe back injury that troubled him for days.
The injury occurred on a day when SP Balasubrahmanyam, the producer of the film, visited the set. Balakrishna explained that the unfortunate event reinforced his aversion to wearing black on Sundays, especially given his Mula Nakshatra, which he believes makes the color inauspicious for him. Balakrishna’s candid revelations and straightforward nature continue to resonate with fans, adding to his charismatic appeal.
As Dakumaharaju continues its remarkable run, Balakrishna’s unique persona and superstitions are a testament to the intriguing stories behind the man known as Balayya.