Nandamuri Natasimha Balakrishna as the hero and Pragya Jaiswal as the heroine is known to all for the huge movie “Daku Maharaj” directed by Kolli Bobby. And Balayya’s 109th film in his career, there is next level hype on this film. And it seems that the film has been shooting non-stop for so many days and finally completed the entire shoot.
After this another solid update will be heard on the movie. With this, the makers are planning to start the promotions of this film immediately. With this, Daku Maharaj updates and promotions will be in full swing till the release. While Thaman is providing the music for this film, the first single of this film will also be released soon. This film is produced by Sitara Entertainments and Fortune Four Cinemas and the film is going to be released on January 12 next year.
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