Two decades after the release of the iconic film 7G Vrindavan Colony, its sequel is gearing up to recreate the magic. The much-anticipated project, 7G Vrindavan Colony 2, is being produced by acclaimed producer A.M. Ratnam under the prestigious Sri Surya Movies banner. Directed by the veteran filmmaker Selvaraghavan, the sequel promises a captivating narrative enriched with heartfelt emotions.
Ravi Krishna, who earned immense acclaim for his performance in the original, reprises his role, paired with Anaswara Rajan as the female lead. To elevate the cinematic experience, seasoned actors such as Jayaram, Suman Shetty, and Sudha play pivotal roles. Yuvan Shankar Raja, who contributed significantly to the success of the first film with his mesmerizing music, is set to weave his magic once again in the sequel. Renowned cinematographer Ramji will enhance the film’s visuals with his impeccable camerawork.
Producer A.M. Ratnam expressed his excitement: “7G Vrindavan Colony is a film that holds a special place in cinema history. With this sequel, we aim to deliver a fresh and compelling story that resonates with today’s audience while retaining the essence of the original.”
Set to offer Selvaraghavan’s unique storytelling style and an emotionally charged love story, 7G Vrindavan Colony 2 promises an unforgettable experience for fans and new audiences alike.