Director and actor SJ Surya shared heartfelt words about Pawan Kalyan, emphasizing the star’s admiration for those who are dedicated to their craft. Speaking at the pre-release event of Ram Charan’s upcoming film Game Changer, Surya recalled Pawan Kalyan’s remarks about him, highlighting how the actor treats everyone with equal respect.
Surya expressed his gratitude, saying, “Pawan Kalyan will always find a place in his heart for those committed to their work.” The sentiment resonated with fans and attendees, reflecting the camaraderie and mutual respect in the film industry.
This Sankranti, Game Changer is set to take the box office by storm. SJ Surya, who plays a pivotal role in the film, also lauded the team for their collective effort. With the buzz surrounding the film, audiences are eagerly awaiting its release to witness the magic unfold on the big screen.