Former Minister K.T. Rama Rao (KTR) recently shared his thoughts on the Telugu film industry’s meeting with Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy. Reacting to these comments, eminent producer and Film Development Corporation (FDC) Chairman Dil Raju expressed his views through an official statement.
Dil Raju emphasized that the meeting was far from casual and carried significant purpose. He noted that the Telugu film industry, represented by its key members, was highly satisfied with the discussions held in an open and amicable manner. According to him, the CM acknowledged the vital role played by the Telugu film industry in Telangana’s growth and assured comprehensive support for its further development and its contribution to social welfare.
Reflecting on the government’s vision, Dil Raju highlighted Chief Minister Revanth Reddy’s unwavering commitment to transforming Hyderabad into a global entertainment hub. This goal, he stated, was warmly welcomed by the film fraternity. However, Dil Raju made a fervent appeal to keep the industry free from unnecessary political controversies. He urged that the Telugu film industry, which provides livelihoods to millions, should not become a tool for political attacks and counterattacks.
Concluding his statement, Dil Raju reiterated the industry’s hope for continued cooperation from all governments and unwavering encouragement from the public. He affirmed that such support is crucial for the sustained growth and success of the Telugu film industry, which remains a cornerstone of Telangana’s cultural and economic landscape.