The upcoming sensational project ‘Game Changer’ in star director Shankar’s combination with global star Ram Charan as the hero. The movie will hit the theaters on January 10, 2025. Mega fans already have huge expectations on this political drama. Adding to the excitement, music director Thaman posted a post on his ‘X’ after seeing the final cut of the film. Describing the film as “super massive”, Taman said the song “Jaragandi” was the highlight.
Thaman clarified that this song is going viral in theatres. Ram Charan is playing a double role in this movie. Apart from appearing as a young IAS officer named Ram Nandan, he also played the role of father Appanna. Anjali, Samudrakhani, Sunil, Srikanth, Nassar and others are playing key roles in this movie, Taman has given the music.
Just Saw The
SUPER MASSIVE Final Cut #JARAGANDIWORTH MAMA WORTH ?????????????????????????????????
— thaman S (@MusicThaman) December 28, 2024
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