Victory Venkatesh is back with a bang in the upcoming film Sankranti Ayamanam, directed by Anil Ravipudi. Featuring a stellar cast, the film stars Aishwarya Rajesh as Venkatesh’s wife and Meenakshi Chaudhary as a bold lady police officer. Produced by Sirish and Dil Raju under the Sri Venkateswara Creations banner, this comedy-family entertainer is set to release on January 14, making it a perfect festive treat for Sankranti. As the release date approaches, the makers have kickstarted promotions in full swing.
One of the highlights so far has been the release of the first lyrical song, Godari Gattumide Ramasilakave Gorintaku Ettukwan Sandamave. Written by the renowned lyricist Bhaskarabhatla and composed by Bheems Ceciroleo, the song has struck a chord with fans. Adding to its charm, it is sung by the iconic music director Raman Gogula, who is making a grand comeback after a long hiatus, alongside the talented Madhu Priya. The soulful melody has garnered an overwhelming response, adding to the excitement surrounding the film.
Venkatesh, fondly known as Venky Mama, further electrified the promotional events with his energetic dance moves. During a special event, he grooved to the beats of the movie’s songs alongside Aishwarya Rajesh, Meenakshi Chaudhary, and director Anil Ravipudi. This spirited performance quickly went viral on social media, with fans praising Venky’s unmatched energy and charisma. Comments like “Venky Mama’s energy is unstoppable” flooded social platforms, proving his mass appeal remains as strong as ever.
Set against a triangle crime plot, Sankranti Ayamanam showcases Venkatesh as a former police officer, delivering an intriguing mix of action, drama,