Icon star Allu Arjun’s recent movie ‘Pushpa 2’ is creating sensational records at the box office. This movie has already collected more than Rs.1719 crore worldwide. And the way director Sukumar directed this movie has succeeded in impressing the audience. However, before the start of this film, the news that Allu Arjun has given the green signal to the film with a director has been doing the rounds.
It is known that director Atlee, who has directed many blockbuster films in Tamil, has made a film called ‘Jawaan’ with Bollywood Badshah Shah Rukh Khan. The movie became a blockbuster hit at the box office. After the success of the film, the director told Allu Arjun that he had a story. In this sequence, the photos of the two together have also gone viral. However, Bunny was not interested in the project as he did not like the story.
Meanwhile, the movie ‘Baby John’ produced by Atlee has been released. This movie is a remake of Atlee’s previous movie ‘Theri’. But, the movie ‘Baby John’ got a negative response at the box office. Btown sources say that this movie will go towards failure. Bunny fans say that Allu Arjun saying no to Atlee’s story is really good.
The post Why didn’t Allu Arjun say OK to that director..? first appeared on Latest Telugu Movie News, Reviews, OTT, OTT Reviews, Ratings.