Everyone knows that Tamil Superstar Rajinikanth’s film Jailer was a sensational hit at the box office. The way this movie was shot by director Nelson, Anirudh Ravichander’s high voltage music, Rajini Mark’s style, this movie brought joy to the audience. Many stars became special attractions in this movie.
Among them are Mohanlal, Shiv Rajkumar, Jackie Shroff. Their roles also created a solid impact. However, now all eyes are on ‘Jailor-2’. Nelson has already prepared the script of Jailor-2. Kollywood sources say that a solid treat is also going to be given on the occasion of Rajinikanth’s birthday on December 5. However, this time more special attractions will be added in ‘Jailor-2’.
Apart from the special roles in the first part, the director is going to introduce some other stars in ‘Jailor-2’. However, who these special attractions are is yet to be known. There is talk that Ramya Krishna, who played the role of the jailer’s wife in the first part, is going to be played by someone else this time. And to get the answer to all these, we have to wait till the Jailer-2 movie gets clarity.
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