Malayalam hero Dulquer Salmaan’s latest movie ‘Lucky Bhaskar’ released recently and became a blockbuster hit at the box office. Directed by director Venky Atluri, this movie thrilled the audience as a period crime thriller. And the screenplay of this movie impressed the audience a lot and this movie got a good success.
This movie is now streaming in OTT. The movie is streaming on popular OTT platform Netflix. And this movie is getting a solid response in OTT. The movie has been hitting the top spot since it hit streaming. Netflix has also officially revealed the same. According to Netflix, Lucky Bhaskar’s film has topped the top 10 films in 15 countries.
Meanwhile, NTR starrer ‘Devara’ held the top spot until ‘Lucky Bhaskar’ came to OTT streaming. Now Netflix said that Devara will continue in the top-3. Lucky Bhaskar stars Meenakshi Chaudhary as the heroine and GV Prakash Kumar has composed the music. This movie is produced by Nagavanshi and Sai Saujanya.
The post ‘Lucky Bhaskar’ is aggressive in 15 countries! first appeared on Latest Telugu Movie News, Reviews, OTT, OTT Reviews, Ratings.