Allari Naresh’s latest movie ‘Bachchala Malli’ has created a good buzz among the audience. The posters and video glimpses released from this movie have created positive vibes. However, the makers have recently released the teaser of this movie. This teaser has been cut as an action packed film unit.
Allari Naresh is not only seen in a completely rough and rugged look in this movie but also playing the role of stubborn and stupid Bacchala Malli. This teaser is just a sample of his performance. Looking at the teaser, it is clear that there will be good stuff in this movie emotionally. The film unit said that there is going to be a good love story along with action in this movie.
The audience says that with this teaser, Allari Naresh is once again ready to impress as ‘Bachchala Malli’. Amrita Iyer is playing the heroine in this movie. Subbu Mangadevi is directing this movie with music composed by Vishal Chandrasekhar. The makers are getting ready for the grand release of this film on December 20.
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