'Dead Pool & Wolverine' Solid Start at Indian Box Office

Recently, there is a film that has raised dust near the Hollywood cinema, that is the movie “Dead Pool and Wolverine” which came out from Marvel Studios amid solid hype with Hollywood stars Ryan Roalds and Hugh Jackman as heroes. And this R rated film which came amid huge hype has become another big hit in Marvels by receiving solid collections.

And the buzz is heard that this film, which came as a tribute to Logan fans, is now ready for the final OTT entry. But this film is going to come first on Prime Video. While it will be available for rental on Prime Video from October 1, it is known that the film will be released in pan-world languages ​​on Disney + Hot Star from the end of October. And the official clarity regarding this crazy movie is yet to come.

The post “Deadpool and Wolverine” ready for OTT release? first appeared on Latest Telugu Movie News, Reviews, OTT, OTT Reviews, Ratings.