Shimbu's voice for the powerful track in Pawan's "OG"!?

Published on Sep 10, 2024 11:14 AM IST

At present, we know the extent of flood terror in our two Telugu states. With this, almost all our Telugu star heroes have announced huge donations. Also, from the heroines, Telugu young actress Ananya Nagalla announced 5 lakhs. But now for the first time a Tamil hero responded and showed his generosity.

And that actor is Simbu. Simbu once scored solid hits in Telugu as well. And now while he is doing many films in Tamil, not too many films from him are being dubbed in Telugu, but it must be said that he has shown his great mind beyond other stars.

Simbu said that the relief fund is providing 6 lakhs for the two Telugu states. With this, the Telugu audience is expressing happiness that Simbu is the first to do what heroes who have made profits by releasing many movies from Tamil to Telugu. And let’s see how more Tamil heroes will react to him.