Aadbandhudu Chiranjeevi.. Megastar showed generosity in the case of Fish Venkat

It is known that our Tollywood legendary hero Megastar Chiranjeevi is a true megastar not only on silver screen but also off. The Megastar has a big heart to respond to those who ask for help, to those who do not ask for it, even if it comes to his attention. That’s why his fans are so proud of the megastar that he is today.

But Megastar has helped many actors of the industry as well as the media in these few years. Recently, it has come out that famous actor Fish Venkat also helped. The fact that Fish Venkat was suffering from illness for the past few years came to Megastar’s attention.

With this, Chiru immediately responded and said that he will provide the necessary treatment to Fish Venkat on behalf of Apollo Hospitals. After saying that, they are constantly checking for his health. It has to be said that Megastar once again appeared as a vulnerable person on the side of those in danger. With this, Mega fans are once again expressing happiness in the matter of Chiru.

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