Good news.. Deepika Padukone gave birth a baby

Deepika Padukone: Recently some news is heard on social media that Bollywood heroine Deepika Padukone has got married. But recently, Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone, who are Bollywood star couples, visited the Siddhi Vinayakan temple in Mumbai to seek the blessings of Ganapati before the birth of the child. We know that the photos of Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh while going to the Siddhi Vinayaka temple were doing the rounds in the media.

Good news.. Deepika Padukone gave birth a baby

But recently the doctors of a private hospital in Mumbai revealed that Deepika Padukone gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. But till now neither Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh have revealed the fact that they have a child. (Deepika Padukone)

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Also Deepika Ranveer’s family members have not announced this matter officially. But in Bollywood, this matter is making rounds. But recently when it came to know that Deepika Padukone’s child was born, overgam netizens are trolling a Swamiji.. And who is that Swamiji.. The real mistake is.. In the past, a famous astrologer saw Deepika Padukone’s horoscope and said that she will definitely have a boy.

But his horoscope got reversed and Deepika gave birth to a girl child. But it doesn’t matter who or what Deepika was born.Ns He is being singled out on social media. They are cursing me saying how many more days will they live by telling these kind of thief horoscopes.Deepika Padukone)