King Nag "Shiva" re-release!?

Published on Aug 24, 2024 1:13 PM IST

Akkineni Nagarjuna is also one of our Tollywood senior heroes, family and ladies favorite hero. Fans are also making solid plans in two Telugu states for the re-release of “Mass” this August as a gift for King Nag’s birthday. But in the meantime, the demolition of the N Convention Hall in Hyderabad by the government from this morning has suddenly become shocking among all.

The demolition scenes have gone viral on social media since this morning. But at the time of what kind of reaction will be from Nag, he responded to the incident through an emotional post and press note… “Demolitions are being carried out in relation to the S Convention contrary to stay orders and court cases. I feel it is right to issue this statement to protect our reputation, to state certain facts and to state that we have not taken any steps to violate the law.

That land is Patta land. Not even an inch of tank plan was invaded. It is a building built on a private plot. Stay was also granted on previous illegal notice for demolition. Clearly, the demolition was done on false information or in violation of the law. We were not issued any notice before the demolition this morning. It is not proper to do this while the case is in court.

As a law abiding citizen, if the court ruled against me, I would have carried out the demolition myself. Due to the latest developments, there is a possibility of sending wrong signals to people that we have encroached and taken up wrong constructions. Our main intention is to dispel that impression. We will approach the court against these illegal actions by the authorities. I hope we will get justice there,” said Nag. Let’s hope that Nag wants justice in this matter.