Rishabh Shetty dedicated his National Award to them!

Published on Aug 21, 2024 11:00 AM IST

Everyone knows the sensation created by the Kannada film ‘Kanthara’. With this movie Rishabh Shetty suddenly became a pan India star. He mesmerized the audience with his amazing performance. He received critical acclaim for his performance. Recently, the central government has announced the National Best Actor Award for him.

However, some of the recent comments made by this hero on the Bollywood film industry are now leading to controversy. “Some films, especially Bollywood films, show India less. Our films are respected internationally. They are laying red carpet for our culture and traditions. That’s why our movies are so popular in other countries. I want to make films to make our country proud,” Rishabh Shetty said in an interview recently.

Because of this now Btown is angry with him. Many people are commenting that it is not appropriate for Rishabh to talk like this about Bollywood movies, saying that Bollywood people have also shown appreciation for the movie ‘Kantara’. Big discussions are going on about this issue.