Interesting update on Vijay's final movie.!

It is known that director Venkat Prabhu is making a movie called “The Goat” in the combination of Kollywood star hero Dalapathy Vijay and Meenakshi Chaudhary as heroine. And this is the 68th film in Vijay’s career and after this film, Vijay has confirmed that he will do one film and end his films. But who will make this film with has always been a good suspense, but now there is a strong buzz about it.

Accordingly, it has been confirmed that Vijay’s final film will be directed by veteran director H Vinod. Apart from that, the buzz that has been heard so far that this film will be in a political backdrop is now being heard as untrue. The talk is that this movie will be made as a pure commercial movie. Official clarity on this film is yet to come.

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