I am very sad about that - Ranbir Kapoor

Published on Jul 28, 2024 3:00 PM IST

Bollywood star hero Ranbir Kapoor’s comments regarding his career and personal life in a recent interview have now gone viral. So, what Ranbir Kapoor said is.. ‘I remember very well. When I was young, there were frequent fights in our house. Mom and Dad used to scold each other about something. Ranbir Kapoor said that I was in a lot of trouble at that time.

Ranbir Kapoor also said.. ‘Once he came out of the house and sat on the stairs crying because he couldn’t hear the cries of our parents. Sometimes mom used to share her pain with me. My father is not like that. He does not say anything to anyone. He never shares his feelings with anyone. I don’t understand why he is like that. Anyway, I like my father very much. Fear too. On the day of his death, my heart was heavy,” said Ranbir Kapoor, becoming emotional.