"Hanuman" mania now in Japan.. release date is finalized

Young and talented hero Itij Sajja as the hero and young heroine Amrita Iyer as the heroine is known to all for the sensational hit film “Hanu Maan” directed by Prashant Varma. And this is the first superhero movie from our Telugu cinema and it came like a small raindrop and this movie saw success like a flood at the box office. But it is known that the makers of this film have just announced a pan-world release. There is also a Japanese version release.

But now finally a solid update on the release of the Japanese version has come out. While the trailer of the Japanese version of Hanuman is going viral on social media, it has been revealed that the film is being prepared for a grand release on October 4 this year. And there it is known that this film is going to be released in Telugu language with Japanese subtitles. And we have to wait and see what kind of success this sensational success film will get there.

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