Maps: Many people blindly trust Google Maps. Can you actually trust Google Maps as an egg..? Looking at some of the recent events, it is becoming impossible to say for sure. We have seen a lot of accidents with Google Maps recently. A recent incident in Kerala makes me afraid to use Google Maps. Now let’s see what happened.. Google Maps should not be blindly trusted in all cases. Recently an incident took place in Kerala. A situation to think twice.

Google Maps are risk

Two people from Kerala fell into the river on their way to the hospital. The authorities worked hard to rescue those trapped in the river. Four tourists are traveling in a car in Kerala. They blindly trusted the maps and got stuck in the river. The local police rescued the tourists. Many accidents have happened because of Google Maps. In this background, the discussion is coming up that don’t trust Google Maps blindly, at the same time, some rules should be followed when going to an unknown place. If you are going to any new place, you should first keep the hospital number along with the police station nearby.

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Locals say not to rely on maps in every case. Know the address and proceed. Check the information shown on the maps and observe the route completely before starting the journey. If the road is lined with dense trees or a dirt road rather than a tarred road then one should be careful. Keep updated. It will be possible to know if there are any new changes. Above all you should remember that local people will know the clear route more than google. If you are doing this then there will be no problem. Otherwise you will have to suffer unnecessarily. At the same time, many people have faced many problems due to Google Maps. The latest incident is also for that example (Maps).

The post Maps: Don’t trust Google Maps blindly.. Must follow them..! appeared first on PakkaFilmy Telugu.

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