Tollywood star Nandamuri Balakrishna expressed his heartfelt gratitude to his fans, stating that they will always remain in his heart. The Vijayotsava Sabha (Victory Celebration) for his film Daku Maharaj was held in Anantapur on Wednesday, where a massive crowd gathered to celebrate the film’s success. The event was hosted by anchor Srimukhi, who entertained the audience with her lively words. The grand occasion was attended by Balakrishna, along with heroines Pragya Jaiswal, Shraddha Srinath, and Urvashi Rautela, who played a glamorous role in the film. Also present were director Bobby, music director Thaman, and several other actors from the movie. Fans attended in huge numbers, and the police ensured that only those with valid passes were allowed entry, maintaining security under the supervision of the District SP.
During the event, Balakrishna expressed his deep appreciation for the love and support he has received from the people of the Anantapur district, not just as an actor but also in politics. He stated that the support and affection of his fans are invaluable, and he considers their love a debt that cannot be repaid in this lifetime. He extended special thanks to his fans from Rayalaseema and neighboring states, who traveled long distances to be part of the celebration. He also mentioned that it was a special occasion to hold the event in Anantapur on Swati Nakshatra, the birth star of his father, Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao (NTR).
The event also witnessed the presence of prominent political figures, including MLAs MS Raju, Daggupati Prasad, Palle, Sindhura Reddy, Swaroopa, Visalakshi, Bandaru Shravani, Minister Savita, MP Parthasarathy, and MLA Kalava. Their attendance highlighted Balakrishna’s strong political influence and the admiration he commands beyond the film industry. Leaders of the NBK fan association, such as Gausmohiddin and Jagan, were also present and were acknowledged for their contributions in organizing the event.
The celebrations concluded with a grand tribute to Balakrishna, as enthusiastic fans honored him with massive floral garlands. The event, held in Srinagar Colony, Anantapur, was a testament to the actor’s enduring popularity and the deep emotional connection he shares with his fans. The electrifying atmosphere, combined with the presence of film and political personalities, made it a memorable night for all attendees.