As Sankranti approaches, Telugu cinema is ready to entertain audiences with an exciting lineup. Ram Charan’s Game Changer, which premiered as a festival gift, continues to draw crowds, while Balakrishna’s Daku Maharaj is set to release on January 12, and Venkatesh’s Sankranthik Vasthunam will hit theaters on January 14. The Andhra Pradesh government, responding to the High Court’s interim orders, has issued a memo revising permissions for additional shows. This decision impacts the festival movie schedules and ticket pricing policies.
The memo, released on January 4, clarified that earlier directives focused solely on ticket pricing adjustments. The High Court emphasized the importance of proper police security to manage large crowds. As a result, additional shows at 1 AM and 4 AM have been denied. To streamline screenings, a cap of five shows per day has been implemented for a duration of ten days. Among these, one show can be a benefit screening. District Collectors and Police Commissioners have been instructed to ensure compliance with these guidelines.
The restriction on 4 AM screenings means that the sixth show, previously planned in some areas, is no longer permitted. For instance, tickets for Daku Maharaj‘s early morning shows, listed on platforms like BookMyShow, are now uncertain. This adjustment is expected to influence box office collections for Sankranti releases.
Trade experts believe these revised schedules could impact revenue during the festive period. However, the focus remains on ensuring safety and seamless entertainment for cinema enthusiasts.