Hyderabad: Game Changer, the much-anticipated film directed by Shankar and starring Ram Charan, hit theaters on Friday, generating excitement among fans. Amidst the buzz, Ram Charan’s wife, Upasana, shared her joy on social media. She posted heartfelt congratulations along with reviews from various platforms, stating, “Congratulations, dear husband. You are truly a game changer in every way. Love you,” and included heart emojis, expressing her admiration.

Actor Saidurga Tej also shared his thoughts on Game Changer, specifically praising Ram Charan’s portrayal of the character Appanna. “Anna Charan, Appanna is my favorite role among all your performances,” he said, listing his favorite characters from Charan’s previous films, including Harsha (Magadheera), Ram (Orange), Chittibabu (Rangasthalam), and Alluri Seetharamaraju (RRR). He added, “Your performance was exceptional, bringing the character to life. Watching you on screen was like a dream. You’ve grown into a mature actor, and this role showcased your brilliance.” Tej also congratulated director Shankar for trusting Charan with such a compelling role.

Game Changer, a political action thriller produced by Dil Raju under Sri Venkateswara Creations, features a stellar cast including Anjali, Srikanth, SJ Surya, and Sunil. Music by Thaman has added to the film’s appeal. Notably, the song Nana Hirana was initially excluded from the worldwide release due to technical reasons. The team announced that the song will be added back to the film starting January 14.

The film continues to make waves, receiving accolades for its performances, direction, and production values.