Today marks the worldwide release of Game Changer, the much-anticipated political action thriller starring Ram Charan and directed by Shankar. However, fans have received some unexpected news from the team: a small change has been made in the film’s content. The song ‘Nana Hirana’, which has already been creating waves online, is missing from the movie’s theatrical release. The team has announced that the song will be added back into the film starting January 14.

The decision to withhold the song from the initial release was due to technical difficulties in processing infrared images, which were integral to the song’s visuals. The team reassured fans that the issue will be resolved soon, and the much-awaited song will make its debut in theaters on January 14. The entire team is reportedly working tirelessly to fix the issue.

Nana Hirana, a visually stunning track, has already captured the audience’s attention since its release. The song, which was shot using an infrared camera in New Zealand over a period of six days, has become a major talking point. It features music composed by Taman, lyrics by Ramajogaiah Shastri, and is sung by Karthik and Shreya Ghoshal. The song has been trending online, with fans praising its melody and mesmerizing visuals. With a budget of Rs.75 crores allocated just for the songs, Nana Hirana was expected to be one of the film’s biggest highlights.

Despite the temporary removal of this song, fans are already celebrating the action-packed performance of Ram Charan in Game Changer, with many sharing their excitement about his portrayal in the film. Fans are now eagerly awaiting January 14 to experience the song in theaters.