The pre-release ceremony for the highly anticipated movie Daku Maharaj, starring actor Nandamuri Balakrishna, will take place on January 9 in Srinagar Colony, a suburb of Anantapur city. The film, set to release on January 12, is creating significant buzz ahead of its grand launch.
On Tuesday, District SP Jagadish visited the venue to inspect the arrangements for the event. During the inspection, SP Jagadish reviewed the security and logistical plans with the film’s team. It was confirmed that only individuals with passes would be allowed to attend the ceremony, ensuring a controlled and secure environment for the event.
Gausmohiddin, the district president of the Balakrishna fan association, along with Jagan and other members of the film crew, were also present during the inspection. Fans and attendees can look forward to a spectacular pre-release event as the team prepares for the film’s grand release on January 12.