Daku Maharaj, the much-anticipated film starring Nandamuri Balakrishna, is set to release on January 12, 2025, for Sankranti. Directed by Bobby Kolli, the film features Pragya Jaiswal, Shraddha Srinath, and Urvashi Rautela in key roles. The film is produced by Suryadevara Nagavanshi and Saisaujanya under Sitara Entertainments and Fortune Four Cinemas banners.
During a press conference held in Hyderabad on Tuesday, Director Bobby Kolli shared his vision for the film. He expressed that producer Nagavanshi’s primary goal was to create a memorable film for Balakrishna’s fans, and they have meticulously crafted the film to meet that expectation. “We’ve made this movie with care, showing Balakrishna in a new light. The film features five powerful action sequences, each designed to create a unique feeling for the fans. With a mix of good entertainment and touching emotional moments, we believe Daku Maharaj will appeal not just to the fans but to family audiences as well,” he said. Bobby also revealed that Balakrishna’s character’s flashback will leave a lasting impact throughout the second half of the film.
Pragya Jaiswal, who plays a prominent role in the film, expressed her excitement, calling the film’s success a “big gift” and stating that the role will be remembered forever. Shraddha Srinath shared similar sentiments, describing her experience as part of a special film in her career, where she portrayed a very different character.
Producer Suryadevara Nagavanshi highlighted the film’s strategic release plans. He mentioned that the trailer was designed like a character showreel, without revealing too much of the storyline in advance, ensuring the audience experiences the film’s surprises. He also confirmed that the film would have a grand pre-release event in Anantapur on January 9. Nagavanshi assured fans that Daku Maharaj would be released in as many theaters as possible in Telugu states, with a major release in the United States and in Tamil as well.
When asked about the ticket price situation, Nagavanshi clarified that they had received the necessary permissions for ticket prices in Andhra Pradesh, while he believed that the current ticket prices in Telangana were sufficient, which is why no further requests were made to the government.