The trailer release ceremony for the upcoming film Sankranthiki Vasthunnam was held in Nizamabad, creating excitement among fans. The film, which brings together hero Venkatesh and director Anil Ravipudi after their successful collaborations on F2 and F3, is set to release on January 14 as a Sankranti treat. The event took place at Collector Grounds, with the film’s team, including Venkatesh, heroines Meenakshi Chaudhary and Aishwarya Rajesh, as well as director Anil Ravipudi, attending the ceremony.
Nizamabad Urban MLA Dhanpal Suryanarayana was the chief guest at the event and extended his congratulations to the film’s crew. Venkatesh, in his characteristic humor, spoke about his excitement for the film’s release, mentioning how it features entertaining elements, catchy songs, and memorable dialogues that the audience will enjoy. He also shared a light-hearted anecdote about his wife and co-stars.
Dil Raju, a key producer and supporter of the film, expressed his admiration for Venkatesh, highlighting their long-standing connection and the success of their films under his banner. He praised the performances of Aishwarya Rajesh and Meenakshi Chaudhary, mentioning their roles as a middle-class housewife and the hero’s ex-girlfriend, respectively.
Director Anil Ravipudi also shared insights into the film, emphasizing its unique story and the hard work put into completing it in just 72 days. He expressed hope that the audience would appreciate the fresh approach the film offers, promising a lot more than what is seen in the trailer.
The film Sankranthiki Vasthunnam promises a fun-filled and engaging experience, and fans are eagerly awaiting its release this Sankranti.