Pushpa 2 continues to make waves in the film industry with a fresh twist announced by its production house, Mythri Movie Makers. The reloaded version of the movie will feature an additional 20 minutes of footage, set to be released in theaters starting January 11. This new version comes just after the release of Game Changer, adding a competitive flair to the upcoming Sankranti movie season.
Pushpa 2 has already made a significant mark in the global box office, surpassing Rs. 1800 crore and securing its place as one of the highest-grossing Indian films. However, the team behind Pushpa 2 is now setting its sights on breaking the records set by Dangal, which holds the title for the highest-grossing Indian film in China. With the addition of 20 more minutes of content, the creators aim to reignite interest in the film and attract audiences back to theaters, ensuring the film’s dominance continues despite the heavy competition from other big releases.
This announcement has already sparked a wave of excitement on social media, with fans expressing eagerness to revisit theaters to watch the updated version. The extended scenes are expected to add more depth to the already highly praised movie, potentially boosting its box office collection even further. Moreover, there are growing calls from fans to release Pushpa 2 in international markets like China and Japan, where the first film was met with a warm reception.
The success of this reloaded version will heavily depend on the content of the new footage, as well as the film’s ability to maintain its momentum in the North. The coming weeks will reveal whether Pushpa 2 can indeed beat Dangal and further solidify its place in cinematic history.