Salman Khan’s safety has become a top priority, leading to significant security upgrades at his Bandra residence, Galaxy Apartments. On Sunday, workers were seen making structural changes to the apartment’s balcony and securing its windows. These steps are part of an ongoing effort to protect the actor and his family, especially in light of persistent threats from the Lawrence Bishnoi gang.
During a recent visit to the building, workers were observed reinforcing the balcony, a spot where Salman often greets his fans. The blinds were drawn, and fans were prevented from gathering directly across the building. This move follows repeated threats from Lawrence Bishnoi, a jailed gangster, who has cited Salman’s alleged involvement in the 1998 blackbuck poaching case as his motive. Bishnoi had even publicly named Salman as one of his top 10 targets, and the National Investigation Agency (NIA) has confirmed the credibility of these threats.
The situation escalated earlier this year when unidentified assailants fired four shots outside Galaxy Apartment in April 2024, although Salman was inside at the time. This incident prompted the implementation of tighter security measures, such as barring vehicles from stopping near the building. The threat level increased further after the murder of Salman’s close friend, NCP leader Baba Siddique, on October 12, 2024, an assassination for which the Lawrence Bishnoi gang claimed responsibility.
Salman Khan now benefits from Y-plus category security provided by the Maharashtra government. His protection includes 11 armed personnel, consisting of commandos and personal security officers (PSOs), along with two escort vehicles accompanying his bulletproof car at all times. Despite these security concerns, Salman has continued with his professional commitments, filming for Bigg Boss and completing the final schedule of his upcoming movie Sikandar.